Lunes, Marso 24, 2014

How My Life Changed

How My Life Changed

     They say that the only thing permanent in this world "change." Well, I do believe this saying. I can really say that there is no living thing that can live forever. Even non-living things have an expiration date or the date when they will be gone. Well, how did really my life changed?

     It was our elementary days back then, I was a grade six student who was trying my best to be at the top for my parents. I really liked to follow the steps of how my sister graduated. Well unfortunately it'll not be. It was almost graduation day that day and the parents of the honor students were called in a meeting. My knees began to tremble the moment I saw the face of my mother. Of course, I tried to avoid my parents, I went to the canteen, went with my friends, and tried my best to keep my mind of thinking how a fail I was. 

     The moment my mother went out of the room, I saw her face all red and feeling uneasy. I was afraid to approach her, so I didn't. I was hearing from my classmates that I wasn't the first in our class. I also saw the face of my opponents, who were twin sisters, and that moment, my heart began to beat fast. I was afraid that the rumors were true that I was not the first in our class. Then our adviser called all of us and told us our grades. Tears began to fall from my eyes the moment I heard that I wasn't the first. I felt depressed not because I was the third but because I disappointed my parents, especially my mother who was really giving effort for my studies, whereas I treat my studies only as a game.

     When I got home, I didn't find my mother, my grandmother and my sibling told me that she was rushed to the hospital after going from our school. After getting to the hospital, I knew that she had a mild-stroke. I was shocked from that instant, I could not say a word nor can I make a move. I could not look directly to my mother's eyes. I went out of the room and I felt that as if my world is crumbling. My mind keeps thinking that it was my fault, and I'm a useless child. I felt really guilty so I tried my best to be a better child of my parents.

     Up to this day, I still remember those days and I always think of these as some of the challenges in my life that I would encounter. I think of this to inspire myself and I try to make myself a better child in our family, and a better person for the world.

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