Huwebes, Oktubre 10, 2013

Climax, where are you?

Climax, where are you?

         The play A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's written play. It is about a dream which happened in the time of a midsummer. It is truly remarkable and one of the best comedy story ever written in the history of mankind. It had a genre was comedy at the same time romance and was somewhat magical. This is somehow different from other Shakespearean plays.

          For the people who have read this, you might think that there's no deep conflict so there's no climax at all. But the truth is, in every story or even movies, there should always be a climax. So the question is, what is the climax of the play entitled, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?

          For me, the climax would be the part when Puck had put a love juice at the eyelids of both Demetrius
and Lysander. They both fell in love with Helena which made Hermia worry and become confused on what is happening. Lysander and Demetrius fought with each other for Helena, but Hermia and Helena fought also.

          I thought that this was the climax because these scenes were very exciting for me, and it was the turning point of the story, and it was close to the ending.

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