Huwebes, Oktubre 10, 2013

Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair

 "Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair. Let’s fly away through the fog and filthy air." 
-Three Witches, Macbeth

          This line is one of the famous lines in the play that Shakespeare has written, it was taken from his own story, Macbeth. It's the story about a man named Macbeth who easily believes and does what other people tells him to do. He believes all the omens that the three witches gave him and did everything just to fulfill it. But what does this quote really mean and how can we apply this in our very own life?

           For me, this quote explains the main theme of the story: Nothing is what it seems for. For instance, the witches speak in code in Act IV, deceiving Macbeth into thinking he is invincible. Lady Macbeth is viewed as a "gentle lady" (stated in Act II), but she is really the mastermind behind Duncan's murder. Banquo, in the beginning, appears to be right-hand man to Macbeth, but we soon find he refuses to support Macbeth should something go wrong (although he is unaware of the meaning behind Macbeth's request for advocacy).

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