As in the book of Dante Alighieri, which is Inferno, there are a lot of circles in hell where in the sins go deeper as the position of the circle goes deeper. Let me try to measure the stations in our school, Cav Sci.
Let me start from our gate, where many violations are already committed. There are usually the officers here, and also with the guard. They check the students here whether they are late, not wearing ID, or wearing the proper uniform. If they are late, they are told to stay for a while then they are told to sign their name and section. Not wearing IDs and not in proper uniform are being listed.
The second station for me would be the guidance office, where the guidance counselor stays, the students with offenses are held here and are being counseled with their parents or guardian. Sometimes, even the advisers and the head teachers are here.
The third station for me would be the pathways, where students are told to clean in the morning. These pathways are being checked by the teachers if the students cleaned their areas, the students will be scolded for not cleaning their areas and will be asked why they didn't clean.
The fourth station would be the canteen, this is where the gluttons usually stay. The students who eat at the morning and not helping in cleaning are sometimes found here. They sometimes come late at the class and they are being punished sometimes by not being allowed to enter the class.
The fifth station for me is the field and the gymnasium, where there are a lot of students here most of the times, students are found here playing and sometimes they come late at class. They are also being punished sometimes by not being allowed to enter the class.
The sixth station are the classrooms, here is where the students usually stay and many things are being done. Students can be found studying, but most of the times, they are found noisy and talking with each other. Some students are being caught here copying assignments, projects, and sometimes even exams or quizzes. Students caught cheating during exams are punished greatly by having a conference with their guardians.
The seventh station are the laboratories, where the experiments are usually done. Many students take the laboratories as a play room, where they play with the laboratory equipments. Many equipments are sometimes torn to pieces by stubborn students and they are being counseled by the teacher and sometimes, their guardians are being called to school.
The eight station would be the faculty room, where the teachers usually stay. This place is a place where only teachers are allowed. Here is where the records, the grades, and other private stuffs that only teachers are allowed to see and use. Students caught sneaking up in here will be in a lot of trouble. They will be sent to the office to have a meeting with the principal, the teachers, and their guardians.
The final station for me would be the principal's office, where as you can see, the principal stays along with some of the teachers. This is a very private room where records of the school can be found. Only the principal and teachers are allowed to enter unless told to, here is where dangerous cases are solved, like stealing, cheating, and some other violations. There are a lot of punishments that could be put upon you here, depending on your case.
In our school, many violations are made, some are caught, and some are not. The students should always follow the rules or else, there will always be the right punishment for them.
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